Wrapping up 2023

The year is coming to an end. And what a year it has been! 2023 has been one of the most intense years of my life.

This adventure began 9 months ago, just after the birth of Félix, when I realized I needed to change my life and be happy myself to later teach him to be happy too. This means stopping working out of inertia and working on something that truly fulfills, motivates, and ultimately pleases me. Earning less? Yes, probably. Are there jobs? Yes. Will I have a job? Complicated, but not impossible.

It’s a difficult path with no guarantees of success, and that’s why I keep reminding myself to enjoy precisely that, the journey.

After this spiel, which is just a reminder of why I got into this mess, what have I achieved during 2023 as a game developer/generalist?



Games Developed

Plans for 2024

2024 is going to be a key year for my development as a professional in the video game industry. I want to push and accelerate. Without crashing. Without burning out the engine. But moving forward.

To start, I will finish the Blender course and publish a virtual reality game. With these two things, I’ll close a small cycle of my roadmap, and this will allow me to prepare some GDDs on various game concepts.

Learning Blender and being able to create my own models, characters, animations, and rigs opens up possibilities like creating assets and packages that I can try to commercialize and distribute. Either to gain some renown and some economy.

Regarding the games I want to make in 2024:

  • A virtual reality game with a closed story, post-apocalyptic. Use of weapons, physics, and some puzzles. It won’t be a long game, but well done.
  • A “silly” virtual reality game with the possibility of porting to PC and mobiles. When I say silly, I mean a very well-made game with a silly theme that could go viral if moved well. I already have the idea.
  • A multiplayer game about quick fights. Simple, with physics, focusing on gameplay and beautiful arenas. For PC and will try to port it to mobile.
  • An idle game. Still to be defined, probably for mobile and monetizable.

Apart from those three as “main” games, I do not rule out collaborating on other games, game jams, and even making small games like Space Race, Pong, Space Invaders, or Jet Fighter to continue practicing and beefing up the portfolio.

Lastly and to be defined both points and not being entirely sure if I will carry out these points:

  • Officializing an indie studio, creating the website, and the games would go under its label.
  • Creating a YouTube/Twitch channel? about Unity, Devlogs, tutorials… ?

So, yes, crazy year ahead. Let’s do it!

Before saying goodbye to the year, I want to thank two people.

To Félix. I didn’t know it and couldn’t imagine it, but you are the best thing that has happened to me, and every morning you smile at me and recharge me, and I can continue on this path.

To Marisa. Without you, I would be lost.

I love you.

Happy 2024.






2 responses to “Wrapping up 2023”

  1. heyyjoud Avatar

    Awesome progress!
    And the heartwarming message at the end is so beautiful.

    I’m trying to figure out how best to approach the multitude of skills required in the game/web development sector, and I’m glad to have stumbled upon your blog. It has given me quite a bit of motivation.

    I wish you the best with 2024! Excited to see your progress at the end of the year.

    1. Edgar Gómez Avatar

      Hey there! Thanks for your comment!
      Do you know it is actually the first comment in the blog? 😀

      Well, it’s quite different to work in web or games. Of course you need some common areas like knowing how to program, data bases, API and other stuff but after working in both worlds i can tell in game development you need a lot more knowledge than in web development.

      If you need any advise on a specific thing about it just tell me!

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